Wednesday 24 October 2012


So, I've come to the conclusion of late, that in order to spare my friends and family from near-constant ramblings on the topic of my favourite (and frequently, least favourite) books and authors, I should do better to confine these thoughts to a blog. Obviously, an added benefit would be other actual human beings out in the world who are interested enough to read along and comment, but should that fail, it's not the worst thing in the world to at least be able to get my thoughts on literature out coherantly for my own benefit. It will certainly be good for when I eventually manage to get into a university.

So, essentially, this blog will focus on my thoughts, feelings and reactions to novels, poems and plays that I read, including extracts and quotes, as well as any background information that I happen to find interesting and worth noting down/ sharing. The sorts of novels I read are not particularly varied, I suppose. My favourite authors are Fydor Dostoevsky, Leo Tolstoy, Graham Greene, Anne Bronte, Philip Pullman, Thomas Hardy and John Steinbeck. I am a very young 20 years old, I just got married and I live in London.

I have just started to read 'Orlando' by Virginia Woolf. It is my first work of hers and I chose it on the basis that good reads tells me that it is her most 'accessible'. I haven't really got very much experience of Modernist literature in general, really, although I have far too much experience of D.H Lawrence for my own happiness.

Anybody who drops by can feel free to comment as I post and, of course, offer me recommendations. If you disagree with anything I post about a piece of literature, go ahead and tell me why!

- K

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